The Simpsons House - Set 71006

July 17, 2016 3 Comments A+ a-

Today I bought this beautiful set - The Simpsons House, Set 71006 (2,523 pieces).
Originally introduced in 2014 as the first of the two The Simpsons theme sets released up today.
This set was originally priced at $199.99 for US and €199.99 for EU market on the release date. I bought it new and unopened today from an advert for only €166. What a bargain for such an amazing set ! :)
3 manual books, 1 set of stickers and maaaany bags :)
Coincidentally, the seller was from Kladno where one of the four LEGO factories in the world is based (other three are in Denmark, Hungary and Mexico).
Kladno rail station made from LEGO
I am not particularly a big fan of The Simpsons TV series, but I was hooked up to this set as soon as I discovered its incredible details.
Part of the set is also Homer's famous pink car
Manuals are well made and easy to understand 
Of course I will make a post about how I build the set as well as what I like and don't like.
What are your thoughts about this set ?
Various and colourful selection of stickers
PS: It is not the only set which I brought home from Kladno ... Could you guess which one is the other ? :)
Mystery set brought from Kladno :)

3 komentářů

Write komentářů
18 July 2016 at 02:18 delete

Is the other set 70751, Ninjago Temple of Airjitzu???

Lego Girl
18 July 2016 at 08:28 delete

Hi Eric ! Thanks for your guess.
Ninjago Temple of Airjitzu is definititely my favourite Ninjago set.
But my mystery set is not from the Ninjago theme ...

Hope you like my blog so far
Lego Girl

Andrea Becket
2 November 2021 at 19:35 delete

This is aa great post thanks
