Set 40237 Easter 2017 - fairytale review :) Did you hear the story about a mischievous hen and her magical eggs ?
Once upon a time, far away from any village, there used to live one hen which loved playing games more than anything else. She was very playful but had no one to play with which is not surprising as she was living on very abandoned, but beautiful place. Why did she actually live so far away ?
It was because she was not just any hen. She was not laying usual white eggs, but the colourful ones and she was guarding them day and night. What if any stranger wondered to steal them ? No chance, she was keeping her eyes open almost all the time.
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On the one hand she was afraid of unexpected visits and suspicious about anyone who was just passing by her nest disinterestedly. On the other hand, she was more than happy for everyone who stopped by and was was willing to talk to her and play with her at least for a while. Sometimes weeks passed and no one showed up nearby her place. This morning, while the hen was quietly dozing on the top of a fence there was someone approaching her place ....
Set 40237 Easter 2017 - fairytale review :) |
It was a small rusty boy from the nearest village who was playing in the woods and got lost. It was the first time he was so far away from home and did not know this place at all.
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But he wasn't afraid. He was used to roam around the village with his wheelbarrow full of treasures he found during his journeys for adventure.
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First the hen was a bit astonished by the boy but they started talking immediately.
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Because they both liked games and because the boy was still looking was some treasures he could take away home, the hen suggested to start playing the game for her colourful eggs.
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The truth was that the hen was sure of winning, because no one has ever beaten her and the boy didn't have anything to loose. The task was to find three of her eggs, which were hidden somewhere in her place during one hour. The boy started searching for the first one.
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The hen was trying to confuse and delay him as much as possible.
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It did not take long time for the boy to find the first egg.
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He carefully took it into his small hands,
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and placed it into his wheelbarrow.
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"I've got the first one !"cheered the boy and hurried to the next part of the garden.
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Although the hen was sorry that she lost one of her lovely eggs, she was enjoying the game a lot.
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The second place seemed to be a bit trickier than the first one.
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Time was passing quickly.
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Suddenly the boy found the right place.
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And there was it ! A beautiful grey egg.
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He quickly took the egg and hurried to the back corner of the garden.
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The hen was trying to slow him down but the boy had still 10 minutes left to find the last blue egg.
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He found it almost immediately !
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It was surely the most beautiful one out of the three eggs.
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The hen was annoyed that she lost but she enjoyed the game so much that she was not sorry for the eggs she lost. She said goodbye to the boy and let him go.
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The boy looked back many times to say her goodbye again.
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The wheelbarrow hit the stone and flipped away ...
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... and the eggs got cracked. The boy was very sorry for what happened and started to put things back to his wheelbarrow.
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Suddenly his mom who was looking for him almost whole day appeared and helped him to roll the stone out of the journey.
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They cleaned everything together and went on journey back home.
Set 40237 Easter 2017 - fairytale review :) |
Since then the boy goes to see the hen almost every day and they play together all day long.
How do you like the new Eater Seasonal set ? Maybe it does not look like that but it is very playful set. :-)
I will be very happy if you let me know in comments below.