Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?

April 22, 2017 2 Comments A+ a-

There are not only good characters in LEGO collectible minifigure series but there are also the bad ones. The Highwayman from the Series 17 is a good example of such a villain. Now I understand why LEGO has scheduled more CITY police sets for 2017... :-)
Even thought the Highwayman is not the first such a bad character in collectible series and there are probably even more frightening ones. He has enjoyed a big popularity so far thanks to his mysterious campaign. Since LEGO has now revealed him and we all know how does he look like and what his backstory is, it is more than sure that it will not take long time and he will start to be friend with other villain minifigures within the collectible minifigures universe. If I do not count special series, there should be at least 14 other villains who can friend with him and start to bother the rest of the minifigs together.
Here are the ones we should watch out ! :-)

1. Alien Trooper - Series 13
Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?
2. Alien Villainess - Series 8
Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?
3. Bandit - Series 6
Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?
4. Evil Knight - Series 7
Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?
5. Evil Mech - Series 11
Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?
6. Evil Robot - Series 8
Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?
7. Evil Wizard - Series 13
Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?
8. Gangster - Series 5
Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?
9. Ice Queen - Series 16
Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?
10. Medusa - Series 10
Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?
11. Minotaur - Series 6
Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?
12. Pirate Captain - Series 8
Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?
13. Rogue - Series 16
Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?
14. Space Alien - Series 3
Who's the baddest villain out of collectible minifigs ? Is it Highwayman ?
I am personally very curious what else we can expect from the Highwayman minifigure in upcoming months.

Are you a fan of villain minifigs ?

I will be very happy if you let me know in comments below.

2 komentářů

Write komentářů
22 April 2017 at 23:31 delete

I would not call villain to him, but nonetheless the Rogue is badass. =)

Lego Girl
23 April 2017 at 07:42 delete

Yes, you're right. The Rogue is not a typical villain, but he's not good too. I thought about him and I've finally decided to list him.
