Mr. GOLD Madness - Do You Remember ? :)
Many of you certainly remember the gold fever hunt for this extremely rare minifigure. Mr. Gold craze was in full bloom right after releasing the 10th Collectible Minifigure series in 2013 with people spending weeks searching up and down for the gold monopoly looking guy.And some of them finally found him ! :) But I didn't ... I didn't even try because I wasn't into LEGO at that time, unfortunately.
The search for Mr. Gold was fast and furious and the rare minifigure was found everywhere over the world. Internet was full of headlines like these at that time.
- The 19th Mr. Gold Found in Australia
- Mr. Gold found in the UK
- Gold Lego man worth $1,100 found in Tuggeranong
- Mr. Gold's turning up in North America
- Mr. Gold - the hunt for the world rarest LEGO figure
- Only one golden ticket left as Golden mania hits peak
Wait, I've just figured it out ! It's possible that LEGO got inspired by this famous children's book when inventing the marketing strategy for Mr. Gold. Hardly to believe but why not ? :)
It was clear from the beginning, that the value of Mr. Gold will rise sharply as time passes. But I think that a few people would have believed that the price could reach up to incredible $1,700 !!!
I promise that next time when LEGO releases another Mr. Gold or Mrs. Gold I will take part in this game. I love the whole idea. For me, it's not about an obsession to find the minifigure at any price, sell it and make a fortune. It's about something else - about fun and excitement while hunting and whether to successful end or not, that's not so important.
At the end of the day, Mr. Gold is only a very worthy piece of plastic. :) For me, what makes him so exclusive and desirable is the whole game behind it.
I hope it will not take long time until LEGO releases another Mr. Gold or Mrs. Gold ! :)
Do you participate in hunts for exclusives like Mr. Gold ?
I will be very happy, if you comment bellow.
2 komentářů
Write komentářůI love this story, too. Unfortunately, I didn't rediscover my love of LEGO until Series 13 came out. I would have loved to participate in that hunt. My brother and I already go into a frenzy every time a new series comes out. Collectible Minifigures are what got us back into LEGO (although we've since branched out into collecting most of the LEGO themes--minifig-scale ones, that is.)
ReplyI've never sold any of my LEGOs and while I've started quite a collection of unopened LEGO sets and minifigs, I still can't see myself ever selling them.
I wouldn't set out in a hunt to find Ms. Gold (hypothetically) in order to cash in, but jeez, if someone is willing to give me $1,000 for a LEGO I bought for $4, I guess I would have to consider it. That's one or two retired Modular Buildings I could buy with that. But it's like winning the lottery: you know you're never going to win, but you can't really dream about it if you don't at least buy a ticket. I know I'd never find the Ms. Gold, but I sure would enjoy searching for her (and dreaming about finding her.)
By the way, I absolutely HATE Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. What a terrifying story. (Wizard of Oz, too!)
Well, as you said - if I found Mr.Gold it wouldn't be easy for me too to decide with current prices whether to keep and enjoy this one or make a little money and buy sets I really like. I also started my LEGO collection with Collectible Minifigures series. I buy these packets and also another minifigures that I like.
Suddenly I wasn't sleepy at all and I watched it to the end. 
ReplyWell that's a shame that you don't like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ... But I understand that it's not to everyone's taste. When I went to bed yesterday night I turned on TV and guess what: Willy Wonka was there !