My Ranking of Minifigures Series 15

August 07, 2016 6 Comments A+ a-

I have seen many reviews about Series 15 which were basically very similar to each other, so I decided to do my review in a bit different style. :)

Dont get me wrong, all reviews which I read about Series 15 were very nice and informative.

This review is not your typical one, because it focuses on ranking each figure based on 5 different criteria:

  • face (1-3 points), 
  • body (1-3 points),
  • special parts (1 or 0 points),
  • story (1 or 0 points),
  • sympathy (1 or 0 points).

I started my ranking with the Minifigure's face (1 = worst, 3 = best). Since the beginning, my favourite one in this category was the Frightening Knight, because of his truly scary face and spiky tooth. On the other side, my least favourite was the Flying Warrior face, which feels really "empty" to me.  
On the photo bellow, you can see the final scores for each face.
Face ranking results
My second criterion was the Minifigure's body. Again, I had my favourite one - the Astronaut, because of his incredibly detailed spacesuit. I liked the least the Jewel Thief black uniform, as I found it quite boring in comparison to the face and special parts of this Minifigure.
On the photo below, you can see final scores for each body.
Body ranking results
My third criterion was to identify special parts that deserve one extra point. This proved to be the hardest task for me, because there are many sophisticated and thoughtful parts in the Series 15. Finally I decided to add one extra point to those 9 Minifigures.
Chosen special pieces 
I enjoyed the most the evaluation of each Minifigure based on its LEGO story. I found the Farmer story the most special and surprising. I would't certainly thought that the ordinary looking Farmer friends with aliens and drives a flying tractor ... :) And there are many more funny stories.
I decided to add one extra point to those Minifigures with very original story:

  • Shark Suited Guy, Animal Control, Flying Warrior, Faun and Farmer.
My last criterion is a reflection of all the previous ones and add a little extra - overall feeling from the Minifigure, its uniqueness and like-ability in a positive way. My favourite one in this category was the Faun, because of its friendly appearance, unique legs, great story and many more ... you can also see him in my Blog's logo :)
On the photo bellow, you can see 8 chosen Minifigures with one extra point in this category.
Most Likeable Minifigures 
Summing all points from 5 different criterions together, the deserving winner is ... the CLUMSY GUY with 8 points. 
And the winner is ...
Closely followed by the Astronaut and the Wrestling Champion who obtained the same number of points (7 points) and share the second place.
Astronaut and Wrestling Champion
And all three winners together ... :)
PS: Bellow you can see a few pictures which I took during this review.
Wrestling Champion
Wrestling Champion
What do you think of my ranking ? What other criterions would you add ? Do you think that the Clumsy Guy deserved to win ? Or who is your favourite one in this Series ?
I will be happy if you comment bellow.

6 komentářů

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9 August 2016 at 01:48 delete

Clumsy Guy is my favorite as well, but I don't have the methodology or empirical data to explain why. Because I have a LEGO city, I mostly judge Minifigures on how useful they'll be in town (including their individual parts.) I really wanted one Wrestling Champion for town, for example, but did not need a second (I don’t really need ANY knights or Fauns.) The Janitor and Animal Control Agent aren’t all that special, but you can use multiples in town with just a change of hair or head (plus they came with cool accessories.)
I guess I judge minifigs by themselves and then by how their collective parts will benefit my LEGO town.

Lego Girl
9 August 2016 at 19:11 delete

I'm very pleased that we both came up to the Clumsy Guy, even though with different ranking method. I like the way you think about your minifigures - it's very clear and straightforward. Have you thought of using the Jewel Thief in your Lego town? It could be a nice spinoff to the "calm" city!

9 August 2016 at 21:31 delete This comment has been removed by the author.
12 August 2016 at 14:12 delete This comment has been removed by the author.
12 August 2016 at 14:13 delete

I like the irony of Clumsy Guy's tshirt. And while I like him a lot, I'm torn to pick a favorite from this batch, because there are a lot of really good ones. The accessories for the Flying Warrior are amazing. Shark Suit Guy... come on... who doesn't love a costume? Ballerina girl is very sweet. Tribal Woman, Kendo Fighter, Animal Control...argh! Just can't pick one. :/

Lego Girl
12 August 2016 at 23:45 delete

Series 15 minifigures are perfect. I created this ranking to help myself to decide on which minifigure I like the most. As you said, it isn't easy to pick one. I agree about the Clumsy Guy tshirt, it perfectly captures his unlucky !
