6 Most Popular Seasonal Themes

September 14, 2016 4 Comments A+ a-

Following Christmas, we celebrate Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, ... and again Christmas and so on and so on ... And there are many more opportunities to celebrate, such as our birthdays, first day of spring, etc.
LEGO does not lag behind and celebrates with us with their special seasonal sets dedicated to different feast days or events. Every year LEGO comes with new amazing ideas.
Seasonal sets are not expensive, are easy to store, funny, cute and keeps value good. Many good reasons to start collecting them ! :) I started lately and will definitely continue.
Most seasonal sets were released in following 6 themes. There is a list of them with a few examples of my favourite sets within each theme that I would love to own one day.

Set 40153 - Birthday Table Decoration (2015) - RRP: $9.99 / Sold on Ebay: $19.0
40153 Birthday Table Decoration
Set 850791 - LEGO Minifigure Birthday Set (2013) - RRP: $7.99 / Sold on Ebay: $18.0
850791 - LEGO Minifigure Birthday Set
Set 40090 - Halloween Bat (2014) - RRP: $7.99 / Sold on Ebay: $17.0 (Looks a bit like a cat rather than a bat, but I like it. :))
40090 - Halloween Bat
Set 40122 - Trick or Treat Halloween Set (2015) - RRP: $9.99 / Sold on Ebay: $33.0
40122 - Trick or Treat
Set 40203 - Vampire and Bat (2016) - RRP: $9.99 / Sold on Ebay: $18.8
Set 40202 - Easter Chick (2016) - RRP: $9.99 / Sold on Ebay: $31.5
Set 40202 - Easter Chick
Set 40086 - Easter Bunny (2014) - RRP: $9.99 / Sold on Ebay: $24.1
Set 40086 - Easter Bunny
Set 5004468 - Iconic Easter Minifigure (2016) - RRP: $0.00 / Sold on Ebay: $17.2
Set 5004468 - Iconic Easter Minifigure
Set 40091 - Thanksgiving Turkey (2014) - RRP: $9.99 / Sold on Ebay: $18.4
Set 40091 - Thanksgiving Turkey
Set 40123 - Thanksgiving Feast (2015) - RRP: $9.99 / Sold on Ebay: $20.1
Set 40123 - Thanksgiving Feast 
Set 40120 - Valentine's Day Dinner (2015) - RRP: $9.99 / Sold on Ebay: $30.1
Set 40120 - Valentine's Day Dinner
Set 40085 - LEGO Valentine (2014) - RRP: $9.99 / Sold on Ebay: $27.1
Set 40085 - LEGO Valentine
Set 40201 - Valentine's Cupid Dog (2016) - RRP: $9.99 / Sold on Ebay: $16.0
Set 40201 - Valentine's Cupid Dog
Set 40125 - Santa's Visit (2015) - RRP: $9.99 / Sold on Ebay: $20.1
Set 40125 - Santa's Visit
Set 40093 - Snowman (2014) - RRP: $9.99 / Sold on Ebay: $20.1
Set 40093 - Snowman
Set 40106 - Toy Workshop (2014) - RRP: $0.00 / Sold on Ebay: $30.1
Set 40106 - Toy Workshop
It wasn't easy to choose only a few sets within every theme, especially in Christmas theme, because LEGO released many of Christmas sets so far.
I'm sure that you have probably your favorites ! I have only one of listed sets in my LEGO collection - Valentine's Cupid Dog and it's perfect.

Are you a fan of these 100 pieces sets ? What other seasonal themes would you welcome ?

I will be happy if you comment below.

4 komentářů

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15 September 2016 at 15:57 delete

I sure do love the seasonal sets. I definitely prefer the vignettes with Minifigures (like last year’s), but I enjoy the other ones as well. Between my brother and I, we usually get at least one to open and build and then one or two more to keep in our archives.
I remember looking at the Valentine’s Day Dinner set last year and thinking it was just too girly. That was before I realized it’s too important to consider each and every set, regardless of the number of pink or purple pieces. It doesn’t keep my up at night, but I wish I had one of those sets.
Christmas is by far my favorite season, but I feel like the Thanksgiving season gets the best sets for some reason. (Do they celebrate Thanksgiving in any way in Prague? Are Thanksgiving sets available in countries that don’t have a Thanksgiving holiday?) I’m actually somewhat excited for the upcoming Thanksgiving set featuring the Pilgrim Witch or whatever it is. (It’s creepy, but I like it.) I think the only Seasonal sets I’ve gotten this year were the Chicken Suit Guy and the Wedding Favor Set, if you count those.
I feel like the Halloween sets, for whatever reason, have been pretty underwhelming. I like Halloween. I think it should be one of the better seasons for LEGO, but I just haven’t liked what LEGO has done over the past couple years (at least compared to the other seasons).
I would like to see some Seasonal sets that aren’t from the West. Maybe a Chinese New Year set or something like that. I can’t see LEGO doing a 4th of July set, but I’d eagerly anticipate it. Maybe a Guy Fawkes set or a set for Bastille Day. I don’t know a whole lot about those holidays, but I’d welcome interesting sets like that. (I realize those 2 holidays are from Western countries.)
All in all, I enjoy the Seasonal sets. They’re a great price point and usually a decent value. I just hope they go back to Minifigure vignettes next year.

Lego Girl
16 September 2016 at 22:23 delete

Animals sets are nice and cute but I'm also a bigger fan of seasonal vignettes with Minifigures. It seems to me that every year seasonal sets have something in common.
In 2014 majority of them were animals (Valentine's Bear, Easter Bunny or Halloween Bat). I think that some of them are a bit childish but I understand why LEGO releases these sets. They are more appealing to children than to adult fans I think.
2015 sets were largely Minifigure vignettes and it would be nice to see more of them in next years. And this year the theme appears to me to be a combination of animals and supernatural characters...
I agree that the Pilgrim set is quite terrifying. Some people think that it looks like a witch. Not my cup of tea. I do like the Vampire though.
I think that Valentine's sets are sweet. I especially like the Valentine's Day Dinner and Wedding Favor set, too. I think that these sets are more popular among girls, because of colours. But as you said, you should accept the pink colour because it belongs to the Valentine's Day and focus on the idea behind the set and the actual scene.
I'm not a big fan of Thanksgiving sets. We don't celebrate it in the Czech Republic at all. Moreover, we celebrate some other feast days, e.g. Easter in a bit different way than the rest of the world. Each nation has its own customs and traditions.
I completely agree that majority of LEGO seasonal sets are representatives of Western culture. I would be excited If LEGO released some brand new theme. I would definitely buy the Chinese New Year theme if LEGO released it.
As for your question concerning the availability of Thanksgiving sets in our country - all these sets are hopefully available also for us. I'm not sure whether we can buy them in physical LEGO stores in our country but we definitely can via online LEGO shop.
I wish I will have an archive of beatiful LEGO sets one day as you and your brother have ! May I ask you how many sets do you have ? And which one is your top top favorite ?

17 September 2016 at 02:34 delete

I have no idea how many sets we have. The vast majority are built and part of our LEGO city. Including vehicle sets, I would guess in the hundreds, but we only rediscovered LEGO less than 2 years ago. Our archives consist mostly of Collectible Minifigs, polybags, and small sets (promotional and/or seasonal.) I have a few (relatively) larger sets that I got on clearance up there as well. Usually, these are sets that just wouldn’t make sense in a LEGO city, so I’ll save them for now...
I insist to my brother that I’ll never sell my LEGOs. If anything, I bet I give them away to my nieces and nephews.

I think you should start celebrating Thanksgiving in Czechia. It’s such a wonderful reason for a holiday. Plus, LEGO has Thanksgiving sets!
I'm not sure which would be my favorite. We don't have too many retired sets. I think the LEGO Ferris Wheel is probably my favorite so far.

Lego Girl
17 September 2016 at 12:23 delete

That's a pretty big collection ! I would also like to store some sets unopen, maybe for future generations. And have a similar archive as you have. But now I feel more happy if I can open, build and discover every set I decide to buy.
You mentioned LEGO Ferris Wheel as your favorite set - this set certainly grabbed my attention too. I was wondering whether to get this one as being a fan of themeparks. I really like the look of the set. I like the amusement sets and hope that they will keep coming.
Out of curiosity, what was your first LEGO set you bought 2 years ago?
